All of our work seeks to ensure children’s wholeness as human beings: their right to nurturing care from women and men; their right to schools, homes and a society that are free from discrimination based on race, gender, class, or culture; their right to nonsexist, multiracial education; and their right to grow up in a positive, diverse, supportive setting that encourages independence.
The Foundation will continue to promote such values and distribute its materials even as the children (and grandchildren!) of the original Free To Be have children of their own.
Proceeds from sales help to ensure that Free To Be reaches children who might not otherwise have access to it. Free To Be stories are used in textbooks distributed to parts of South Africa, and appear in a school guide to diversity training in schools of Israel. The Foundation hopes to make Free To Be available to the children who need it most for many generations to come.
The Foundation has also funded children’s safety projects; programs promoting bodily integrity and resisting violent or sexual advances; local child care directories; learning modules teaching tolerance of difference; and non-sexist educational guides. The foundation continues to cooperate with many other organizations that advance the Free To Be message, including The Ms. Foundation, The Ad Council, and Free To Be Media.